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Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Thursday, 16 August 2012
You can't stop progress....
My LEGO life goes in phases/cycles ... one minute I'm putting together sets, the next I'm dreaming of MOCs, the next I'm listing on ebay, or buying off gumtree, the next I'm ordering parts from Bricklink & putting together mod-mods (my new name for the classic modulars that I re-brick from scratch using parts vaariationds as I'm too cheap to build or buy original !) I clean off the dining room table every couple of week vowing to keep my LEGO contained and my building processes downstairs... lasts for about a day before I start coming back up stairs with tubs in hand ... This week I have taken over the dinner table to start my pirate MOC. Unfortunately I have run out of cliff-worthy slopes and base plates so I have kind of hit a brick wall until I can get more - some slopes are on order from USA at the moment so hopefully they may arrive before the weeks out but the baseplate issue is more pressing at present. I've requested a quote from a seller for postage but they are sloooooooooooooooow with responding which kind of makes me wonder what they will be like in posting - thinking i might have to re think that one and in the mean time pick up a few boards at retail price just to keep momentum up. But anyhow the above info was not the topic of todays post given that its largely about a lack of progress... Yesterday hubby and I made a giant leap forward in the set up of my LEGO space, About 8 months ago now we built in under our house with the intention of creating a space for hubbys drum habit and my lego habit (plus a space for visitors from OS). The tiling of said space has finally been finished and during the process of using the space in the last 8 months it has evolved in form and function - to cut a long story short - what once was my office corner in the main room (for my actual day job) is now hubby's drum corner and what was once the drum room/ guest space is now my office/lego room. So yesterday we popped up a few shelves and mapped out a plan of attack for the necessary furniture (allegedly to be completed this weekend) for me to start populating the space with my ever-multiplying supply of all things plastic brick ! Can't wait ... promise once its done I won't take over the dining room table again !!
Sunday, 5 August 2012
And down they come again
Quiet week on the blog front... but been busy putting together some sets ready for planning around the configuration for a pirate MOC/display for Switch Bricks. I have learnt a valuable lesson this week - never raid your personal stash for a new project (AKA chop shop moc and florist moc) unless you have finished putting together all your other sets first as you are inevitably robbing from Peters brick supply to pay Paul so to speak... where is that black 1x8 brick , duh... MOCS about to be disassembled - will have to buy new bricks to put them back up again ;(
Back to the pirate moc... I wish I was as clever as MadLEGOman so I could make a kick-butt Kracken to do some attackin in my high seas ! I will try some lame attempt and post pics once it's done. I have started building cliffs and shore lines to accommodate various piratical buildings and still have a few ships etc to put together. The hunt for more bricks/plates in dark tan, tan and transparent is on too - i want to make shore line in the same way as this awesome work from Walt.
Back to the pirate moc... I wish I was as clever as MadLEGOman so I could make a kick-butt Kracken to do some attackin in my high seas ! I will try some lame attempt and post pics once it's done. I have started building cliffs and shore lines to accommodate various piratical buildings and still have a few ships etc to put together. The hunt for more bricks/plates in dark tan, tan and transparent is on too - i want to make shore line in the same way as this awesome work from Walt.
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